
You want to get to know the people behind the rcp developer family? In our "Just joined" section we'll introduce our newest family members.

Today you'll meet NIELS, Unity Frontend Coder at Chimera Entertainment, who just joined the Angry Birds Epic Live Team.

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Who are you?

My name is Niels and I'm coming from Munich’s suburbs.

What did you do before joining Chimera Entertainment?

I  studied Media Informatics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, acquiring my Diploma in 2012. After a short detour to Mexico, a job as Flash Game/Web Developer was waiting for me in the advertisement business. There my responsibilities were developing and maintaining a variety of web-applications, as well as Flash Extensions and Components used in online and mobile advertisements.

How was your first week at the office?

My first week at Chimera passed in a flash. Thanks to my new colleagues friendly and competent guidance, I felt like I was contributing to the project from the get-go.

What did you particularly like in your first week?

One thing that impressed me right away with my new team is the extraordinary level of talent and professionalism, even though the average age in the office is considerably low.

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